Mar 24, 2011

of RPH, Tweet button and Smileys

Hello everyone!

Do you know that tomorrow is Friday? and the day after Saturday is Sunday? Well, you should listen to Rebecca's song to figure that out. Hehe :D

Im not going to waste my time writing about how funny that Friday song is, I just wanted to share with you some of the new things in Travelog Saya. The first one is the Donate link at the side bar. Can you see it? There is a picture of a boy crying and bank account number. That boy is one of the Rumah Putera Harapan or well known as RPH boys. RPH is a shelter house for orphans, kids living in a very rural area, kids with family/financial problems and stray kids (Im not sure with this term. Is it correct? Kanak-kanak terbiar). The house is located in Ranau, Sabah. A one hour and a half drive from Kota Kinabalu.

From the RPH Weblog:
Rumah Putera Harapan (RPH) merupakan sebuah rumah perlindungan kanak-kanak terbiar di negeri Sabah khususnya di daerah Ranau. RPH diasaskan oleh NGO Islam dan telah dibuka pada 12 Julai 2008. Kanak-kanak yang membesar tanpa ibu bapa (yatim piatu), kematian salah satu daripanya (yatim), mangsa penceraian dan kemiskinan cenderung untuk tidak mendapat pendidikan yang sempurna. Atas kesedaran ini, badan-badan NGO Islam khususnya Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM) merasakan betapa nasib kanak-kanak ini perlu dibela dengan menyediakan tempat perlindungan dan menyiapkan pendidikan untuk mereka.

The boys after circumcision

RPH receives no consistent financial aid from the government as the house is managed by an NGO. As we all know, NGOs rarely have extra money as they usually do charity works using their own money. They need us to help them. How can we help them?

  1. Financial aid
  2. Organize activities for the kids
  3. Register as a volunteer (you can work there in daily/weekly/monthly basis)

Anyone who has the money but not the time, maybe you can help them financially. You don't have to go there to give the money personally. Just wire it to their account. Click here. If you have a specific request to the management of RPH regarding your donation, you may do so. Perhaps you wanted the management to buy the kids new school uniform with the money you just gave or buy foods for the kids. If you don't have any specific request, the management will use the money wisely to manage the house and the kids.

For more info, please don't hesitate to call Mr. Sabri at (+60198993315 | +60198833197 | +6088876296) He is the manager of RPH, Ranau. 

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