Feb 28, 2011


I realized that my travelogue page views is somehow low recently. I think it is because the arrangement of this blog didn't make you want to read other entries beside the one I posted on Twitter, Facebook and Ping websites. I purposely write my travelling experience to let others know what they can/should do or should not do when planning on travelling to the same place which I already visited. I was hoping this blog could be some sort of reference before you go travelling. To make it easier for you to find what Ive wrote here, I make you a proper list with a short caption on what the entries are all about:


Beijing Muslim Trip

Under the Label of: Beijing Muslim Trip (link) -Together with my parents, we went to Beijing, China on December 2010. It was winter but sadly, no snow. Sob.. Oh yea, we took the Muslim Tour Package. That is why the label is called Beijing Muslim Trip instead of Beijing Trip.

Tapir @ Beijing

  • Intro The journey from Kota Kinabalu (Yup, I am a Sabahan) to Kuala Lumpur
  • Part i Flights from KLIA to Hong Kong to Beijing
  • Part ii First day in Beijing! Visiting the Great Wall of China
  • Part iii Second day in Beijing! Ski experience
  • Part iv Third day - Visiting Tienanmen Square and The Forbidden City
  • Part v Fourth day -Beijing Panda Zoo and Summer Palace
  • Part vi Fifth day - Niujie Mosque (The oldest Mosque in Beijing!)
  • Part vii Sixth day - Going back to Malaysia


Under the label of: Indonesia (link) - A very recent visit to Jakarta and Bandung. An uber nice experience travelling with my buddies.

Why am I so serious?

  • Part i Touchdown in Jakarta!
  • Part ii Mesjid Istiqlal - Monas - Ancol - Taman Mini Indonesia (TMI)
  • Part iii Approaching Bandung! Tangkuban Perahu - Shopping at factory outlets and Distros
  • Part iv Back to Malaysia
  • Part v Kartika Sari Bakeri


All Cuti-cuti Malaysia experiences are labelled under: Hujan Emas di Malaysia (link) in other words, travelling local. My travelling experiences in Malaysia.



Mr/s X

An anonymous sent me emails asking me to post his or her writing on travelling tips. To not let her/him down, I post his/her articles under the label of: Mr/s X (link) I am honestly still waiting for his/her next articles. He/she got good tips you know.

Other labels are:

Info Travel (link) - This includes Mr/s X tips combined with mine.
Rants (link) - Its more about myself. It can also be a mixed up entries compiled in that label.
Travel Spot (link) - The places I want to go and you should go too!


P/s-Ill try not to add more labels after this to keep the blog organized and ill keep those links updated. Maybe more trips to come soon.

I hope this entry helps! Have a nice a day people!

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