Feb 23, 2011

Cheap Travel By Sierra Black

Good points!


By: Sierra Black

Travel has always been a priority for me. I love seeing new places, experiencing new cultures, and just getting away from the routines of my daily life. Even more important, my family and close friends are a pretty far-flung crowd. I have loved ones spread from Boston to Buenos Aires. We buy a lot of plane tickets in my family. We buy so many tickets that I should have become savvy about how we buy them much earlier than I did.

For years, I’ve mainly just flown with JetBlue. I use Farecast to see if there’s a better deal available elsewhere. If there’s not a significantly cheaper ticket on that site, I buy my ticket through JetBlue. They generally have low fares and a good frequent-flyer program. This is a pretty simplistic approach. Since I’d never researched it carefully, I didn’t know if I was really getting the best deals on my travel.

Read full article at: Getrichslowly.org


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