Dec 24, 2010

Quest to The Great Wall of China (Part i)

Boss, where is my seat? I really need a moisturizer. You know its too dry up there. I am afraid Ill end up as a Katak kering on the plane.

Hello everybody. I am back! I am okay sudah. Like boss said before, I was not feeling very well after the trip. It took me almost a week to recover. But worry no more pekopon*. Hereby, I present you my first day of my Quest to The Great Wall of China!

It wasn't a direct flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. Our journey started from Kota Kinabalu to Kuala Lumpur , Kuala Lumpur to Hong Kong and then Hong Kong to Beijing. So we spent almost 2 +3 + 4 . . 9 hours on airplane before touchdown Beijing.

The flight from BKI - KUL was a common flight for boss. But not for me! I was left alone in the hand luggage compartment while boss sleep, wake up for dinner and read books when he gets bored.. boss said I shouldn't appear in public. (Yeah right) .

Served by Cathay Pacific in KUL - Hong Kong flight. It was edible i guess? what do you say boss?

-Nothing wrong with the food. I just love the list of new movies provided in the in flight entertainment screen or whatever they name it. Hoho

Oh by the way, boss sat next to a german guy who works for Cathay Pacific Catering as a baker. He married a Malaysian and currently live in Hong Kong. That explains why they meet in a KUL - Hong Kong flight.

You see, even if you own a DSLR, without a good , high resolution picture hosting, it would be worthless. HKIA

After a 4 hours flight, we arrived at HKIA (Hong Kong International Airport). Nothing much to do here and nothing special. It is just the cylinder shaped ceiling that impressed me. After 2 hours waiting, our connecting flight to Beijing finally depart.

The Beijing International Airport was huuuuuuuuuge! boss said it was built for Beijing Olympic game last 2 years.

We were welcomed by the local tour guide at the airport. Presenting, Miss Linda! She can speaks in Indonesia language very well and that makes her funny. Haha. We were then went straight to the 3 star hotel in the city with a tour bus.

Shes the one in pink


After a 30minutes drive, we arrived at the Cheng Feng Hotel. A not very comfortable hotel. The towels are rotten and the rooms are not so a 3 stars hotel. Sigh. It was disappointing. We blame the agent for not checking out the hotel condition before agreeing with the ground agent. Cik Era, please take note ye. Hehe.

The receptionist can't speak English and they don't really served customer. They just do their own stuff. Haih..

So i guess, this is it. The first day of our trip to Beijing. Nothing much. It was all hours of flights and checking in at the hotel. But tomorrow, Miss Linda said we are going to the Great Wall of China! I can't sleep that night thinking how to invade earth from there. Well, thats my initial plan when i first came here. Read. Stay tuned for the next update!

Err boss, can u get me out of here? pleaseeeee! its been 7 hours already!!

*pekopon - a term Keron (Keroro's planet) people use to refer human being.

Day 1 Tips:

  • Bring books or any reading materials. Some flight got boring movies only and i heard, MAS airlines KUL to HK got no in flight entertainment. A pilot told me. Tapi tak tau lah. Sebab kami guna Cathay Pacific.
  • Bring your MAGGI MEE from Malaysia! You'll be craving for one. Cuaca sejuk, mesti la sampai-sampai hotel tu mengidam sup panas kan? so prepare lah siap-siap. Banyak-banyak tau! sebab maggi kat sini tak sedap. haha. 3 in1 pun perlu rasanya. Milo, coffe, nestum bawak je
  • Beanie, snow cap, gloves, winter jacket, beli lah siap-siap kat Malaysia. Sebab, biasanya tour hanya akan bawak ke market hari kedua atau ketiga. You won't survive that long
  • Bring along medicines. Terutamanya panadol and pil cirit birit. In case sakit, makan Panadaol banyak-banyak supaya boleh enjoy the trip
  • Dont forget your universal travel adapter! Different countries got different plug in for power points. Kalau kat Malaysia biasanya yang lubang tiga tu kan?kat Beijing, biasanya lubang 2 dan kaki plak tu jenis kurus. Tak dapat bayangkan? just buy a universal adapter before travelling.
  • Kalau pegi musim winter, sediakan winter jacket anda sebaik sahaja sempai airport Beijing. Sebab kat luar super duper sejuk. Silap-silap boleh demam time nak naik bas tu. Walaupun sekejap , tapi cuaca nya sangat lah sejuk.
  • Time baru sampai airport Beijing, Do not wear long johns yet. It is unnecessary
  • Got notebook or ipad? Bring them along. The TV channels here are all in chinese. You'll get bored if you want to lepak kat bilik for the night. Not for internet okay? but for movies. Bring your own movies. Wifi can hardly found here.


abu ubaidah said...

chey bersambung2 pulak,ada nuffnang ke ni ?

Admin said...

baru letak. untuk tengok traffic.
tekan la like tu. haha.

Aida The Pink Goddess said...

akak imagine rotten towel tu disentuh terus rapuh berderai.. hehe

Admin said...

lebih kurang la kak. haha. tapi mmg sadist la hotel cheng feng tu. hotel kat area great wall yg bagus

mak said...

catatan yang sangat bagus. Bila dah lama ni dah tak ingat apa yang berlaku. Bagus di print dan simpan dalam album beijing....

Mak said...

Baca semula after exactly one year! Very nostalgic. Thanks for all the entries.

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