Aug 12, 2011

Singa Pura Pura

After a long hiatus, I finally write some proper entry in this dusty Travelogue. Reason for not updating? none. Its a pure laziness. Reason for updating the blog all of a sudden? Because Nuffnang is paying me for several campaigns. Rugi tak update dan naikkan traffic time dapat campaign ni. Hehe. So, what buzzin'? Uh.. Just wanted to share with my fellow readers a few blogs I recently following. Travelogues of course. :D

The first one is

Well, you won't know there is a small town called Malay Falls in Canada if you don't read her blog!

The other one is Adventures of Lydia and Calvin 

By far, this is the most detailed travelogue I have ever read. They write those useful information on flights which bloggers used to skip. This couple sure travels a lot! Do read! By the way, there are other two blogs I have been following since March. Click here.

Thanks to Mr/s X for the tips!

Okay, berbalik kepada tajuk entri, Singapore. My brother just got married with the dewi merah jambu: Aida Thepinkgoddess last month and they went to USS for their honeymoon. Memandangkan review about USS yang ditulis oleh my sister in law is very positive, it encourages me to at least  menjejakkan kaki ke sana once in my lifetime. Di tambah lagi dengan feedback dari kakak kepada seorang rakan yang baru sahaja pergi kesana yang sangat-sangat menggalakkan, terpanggillah hati ini untuk ke sana. Lagi pun, memang saya tidak pernah sampai ke kota singa sebelum ini. Walau bagaimanapun, belum ada proper planning lagi untuk pegi. Nanti bila dah decide, saya tulis disini. :)

Honestly, what do you think? a bus ride from KL - SIN or train is better? which is more worth the time and money? do I have to stay overnight at Johor or just go there for a one day trip? Share your thoughts with me via comments or twitter: @ahmadfarids Thanks!


Hakim KOT said...

kalo ko g USS jgn lupa beli souvenir yg berharga serendah S$1.80..yg 2 je ak mntk..muahaha

Admin said...

baru nak belikan ko yga 180 dollar punya. tp dh ko nk 1.8. ok je la.haha

Hakim KOT said...

hahaha..demn2..request kasut puma hight cut 1 la cmni..hahah

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